
  • Poland

Unlock the World of .NET with Coherent Solutions Poland!

Are you ready to dive into the dynamic world of .NET programming and earn your first 100 hours of practical experience in a global digital engineering company?

Coherent Solutions Poland is thrilled to announce the launch of our .NET Programming Online School – an exclusive opportunity for 3rd or 4th-year students, recent IT graduates, or individuals who have just completed .NET courses. .NET Programming school will be conducted through online sessions with instruction and communication presented in English.

Why Join?

As a participant, you'll enjoy:

  • Free 10-weeks online training starting on October 01, 2024;
  • 30 captivating lectures with real-time coding samples delivered three times a week;
  • Engaging tasks and 100 hours of self-writing code practice;
  • Mentorship and code review from seasoned software engineers with 20+ years of experience in C/C++/C#;
  • Acquire knowledge of C# and .NET, grasp software design patterns, and understand production requirements for top-notch code quality, gaining basic pre-Junior level experience;

Program includes:

  • C# programming language: lexical structure of applications, expressions and operators, classes (fields, constructors, methods, indexers, properties), inheritance, access modifiers, extension methods, tuples, polymorphism mechanism, records, structures, enumerations, interfaces, generics, delegates and events, LINQ;
  • .NET: CLR, IL and JIT compiler, .NET types system, memory allocation (stack and managed heap), garbage collection and optimization, standard collection interfaces and classes, multithreading programming (thread pool, critical sections, tasks, asynchronous methods), assemblies (composition, identification, resolving and loading), publishing .NET applications, reflection;
  • Software design and best practices: coding conventions, design patterns (singleton, abstract factory, factory methos, decorator, chain of responsibility, etc.), SOLID, clean code: principles, advantages and examples;

How to Join:

Ready to embark on this incredible journey?

Here's how:

Apply by September 16, 2024,

Ace the test on September 23, 2024.

Good luck! We can't wait to welcome you to this transformative training experience!

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