news, May 21, 2024

Coherent Solutions and MaxContact Collaborate to Introduce GenAI to Cloud-Based Contact Centres

Coherent Solutions and MaxContact Collaborate to Introduce GenAI to Cloud-Based Contact Centres

Digital product engineering company Coherent Solutions and cloud-based contact centre platform provider MaxContact spent the last 18 months leveraging AI to integrate Spokn AI, a next-gen speech analytics tool, to take the contact centre solution to the next level.

Coherent Solutions and MaxContact designed and built AI-powered speech analytics for contact centres that deliver out-of-the-box insights from conversations happening on the contact centre floor. Coherent Solutions supported MaxContact with data science and front-end design and development services, complementing their in-house development and product teams.

The collaboration allowed MaxContact to deliver a high-quality solution to its customers at an accelerated pace, reducing the complexity and cost versus competitive solutions in the marketplace. With sophisticated insights on agent performance, customer sentiment, and call drivers in place, contact centre leaders can make better business decisions.


We believe that MaxContact’s Spokn AI speech analytics is a real challenger product in the marketplace,” says Matt Yates, VP of Engineering at MaxContact. “We have designed and built a solution that helps solve customer challenges in a simple and cost-effective way. The quality of the platform – from UI and UX to the transcription accuracy – is second to none and we’re thrilled with the results of the great working partnership between MaxContact and Coherent Solutions.

Lina Siumete, Business Development Director for the UK at Coherent Solutions, adds, “We at Coherent Solutions are currently striving to provide excellent and holistic AI development services, this partnership will be proof of our commitment to help businesses better leverage AI to dramatically improve efficiency, effectiveness, and deliver a market-leading customer experience.

Remarkable developments are underway, and we’re eager to share more in due time. Our thanks go to the MaxContact team for their trust in collaborating with us to elevate Spokn AI services.

Planning a similar project? Discover what Coherent Solutions has to offer and connect with us anytime.

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