Coherent Solutions Office - Guadalajara

The city of Guadalajara is thriving tech ecosystem, which offers a collaborative community of like-minded IT professionals. Additionally, Guadalajara’s pleasant climate, affordable cost of living, and vibrant cultural scene make it an attractive destination for IT specialists seeking a high quality of life.

General Information

Located in North America, bordered by the United States with a time zone convenient for US customers of Coherent Solutions.

One of the largest economies in Latin America

Member of NAFTA (now USMCA) and OECD

Diverse industrial sectors, including manufacturing, services, and technology

Talent and Education

Talent Pool: Abundant pool of skilled professionals, strong STEM education programs, specialized skills in various sectors.

University System: Extensive network of universities and institutes, focus on STEM education, research and innovation initiatives.

Business Environment

Language and Cultural Fit: Proficiency in English among professionals, cultural affinity with North America

Intellectual Property Protection: Legal framework for intellectual property protection, enforcement mechanisms

Reputation and Experience: Experience in serving international clients, presence of multinational companies, growing technology sector

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Here's what happens next:

  1. Our sales rep will contact you within 1 day to discuss your case in more detail.
  2. Next, we will arrange a free 1-hour consultation with our experts on platform selection, budgeting, and timelines.
  3. After that, we’ll need 1-2 weeks to prepare a proposal, covering solutions, team requirements, cost & time estimates.
  4. Once approved, we will launch your project within 1-2 weeks.